cristina art school
by artist cristina popovici
Cristina Popovici profile
For twenty years, I have been a professional artist that has exhibited around the world and I am currently represented in galleries both in New Zealand and Australia. During these years, I have also taught a number of classes both for adults and for children, which has led me to create this art course. After teaching art classes to children for a number of years, I saw the importance of curiosity and creativity and how these two qualities in children boosted their skills and unleashed their natural talent. So, I have specifically tailored this art course to grasp each student’s attention and tailor each project around what your child is curious by and wants to explore. We will study established, professional artists, and how they express their creativity to create original artworks from simple subject matter through different artistic elements (line, shape, texture, tone, colour and so on). We will ask ourselves why artists chose each artistic element and how their choices shaped the meaning of the artwork. And lastly, the students will take what they are inspired and curious about from each artist and are encouraged to use their own ideas to create their very own original artwork.